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Rachid Chami
It is at the end of his studies, when he obtained his baccalaureate, that Rachid Chami decided to start his own business. Inspired by his father, active in the sale of fruits and vegetables, Rachid Chami decided to open his own business. The entrepreneur was born and his instinct was right. In 10 years, the turnover explodes in an exponential way.
Rachid Chami decides to sell his company and starts in real estate. First as an independent, then in partnership with Philippe Gillion. Macan Development was born. His entrepreneurial instincts were once again right. The Macan Group is currently developing a real estate portfolio of more than 250 million euros in various projects, notably in collaboration with international institutions and investment funds.
Self-taught, perfectionist, tireless worker, Rachid Chami is a lover of construction and beautiful architecture who has never lost the instinct and commercial fiber of his beginnings, with the desire to leave a positive mark through the projects he carries out with his partners. This is what has made him a respected and recognized player in the Brussels real estate scene.